Security Council demands end to siege of El Fasher in Sudan

A woman who fled her home due to conflict rests at a centre for displaced people in El Fasher, Darfur.

The UN Security Council adopted a resolution on Thursday that calls for the paramilitary Rapid Security Forces (RSF) in Sudan to halt their siege on El Fasher, capital of North Darfur state. 

The resolution, put forward by the United Kingdom, received 14 votes in favour, none against, with Russia abstaining.

It expresses deep concern over the outbreak of fighting in the city, and the risk of further escalation

It called on the RSF and military “to seek an immediate cessation of hostilities, leading to a sustainable resolution to the conflict, through dialogue”.

It also called on all nations to end interference fomenting conflict and instability instead of peace efforts.

Averting a catastrophe 

The RSF and the Sudanese Army have been battling for more than a year, and fighting in El Fasher have been escalating in recent months

UK Ambassador Barbara Woodward said the resolution sends a clear message, adding that an attack would be “catastrophic” for the 1.5 million people sheltering in the city

We tabled this resolution to help secure a localized ceasefire around El Fasher and create the wider conditions to support de-escalation across the country and, ultimately, save lives,” she said. 

Ambassador Barbara Woodward of the United Kingdom, addresses the Security Council meeting on the Sudan and South Sudan

Protect civilians, allow aid delivery 

The resolution further demanded that the rival militaries ensure the protection of civilians, which includes allowing people to move within and out of El Fasher if they want to

The warring sides were also requested to “allow and facilitate the rapid, safe, unhindered and sustained passage of humanitarian relief for civilians in need, including by removing bureaucratic and other impediments”. 

Ms. Woodward described the situation in Sudan as desperate, noting that humanitarian needs are severe

She said the resolution calls for the Sudanese authorities to increase cooperation with UN agencies and to urgently reopen the Adre border with Chad in efforts to scale-up humanitarian assistance. 

“In this regard, the resolution urges the international community to increase their support and fulfill existing pledges,” she added. 

‘A strong signal’ 

The resolution also requested that the UN Secretary-General make further recommendations for the protection of civilians in Sudan, and encouraged coordinated engagement by his Personal Envoy for the country, Ramtane Lamamra; the African Union, the League of Arab States and other regional actors, aimed at advancing peace. 

Louis Charbonneau, UN director at Human Rights Watch, welcomed the resolution on Thursday.

“Today’s resolution puts the Sudanese Armed Forces & Rapid Support Forces on notice that the world is watching,” Charbonneau wrote in a social media post. “It warns of imminent famine, especially in Darfur, & calls for accountability for violations of int’l humanitarian & human rights law.

UN Humanitarians continue to respond to the crisis in Sudan, where the war has left scores dead, destroyed critical infrastructure, and displaced more than 10 million people, whether within the country or across the border.  Additionally, some 18 million Sudanese are going hungry, with five million on the brink of  famine.

“This Council has sent a strong signal to the parties to the conflict today,” Ms. Woodward said. 

This brutal and unjust conflict needs to end. Today’s resolution shows the Council remains committed to supporting efforts for peace in Sudan.” 


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