Switzerland says 90 states, organisations signed up for Ukraine summit

Swiss President Viola Amherd speaks as the Swiss government holds a press conference to brief media ahead of its June 15-16 peace summit for Ukraine, in Bern, Switzerland, on Jun 10, 2024.

Ninety states and organisations have so far registered to take part in a summit aiming to pave the way for peace in Ukraine that Switzerland will host from Jun 15-16, the Swiss government said on Monday (Jun 10).

Russia has not been invited to the summit due to be held in central Switzerland, but the government said in a statement that the gathering will aim to “jointly define a roadmap” on how to involve both it and Ukraine in a future peace process.

Switzerland in January agreed to host the summit at the behest of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, and has tried to drum up support for it among countries that have better relations with Moscow than leading Western powers.

Russia has dismissed the summit as a waste of time. It was not invited to participate, Switzerland says, because it signalled it had no interest in attending. Switzerland also stresses though, that Russia must be part of the peace process.

Its absence has encouraged powerful allies of Moscow such as China to say there is no point in peace talks unless both Russia and Ukraine take part. That has muted expectations for any kind of major breakthrough at the talks being held in Switzerland.

Speaking at the Shangri-La defence forum in Singapore earlier this month, Zelenskyy said Russia was trying to disrupt the peace efforts. He also accused China of pressuring other countries and their leaders not to attend the upcoming talks. He did not say which ones.

Russia, using Chinese influence in the region, using Chinese diplomats also, does everything to disrupt the peace summit,” said Zelenskyy in Singapore. 

“Regrettably this is unfortunate that such a big independent powerful country as China is an instrument in the hands of (Russian leader Vladimir) Putin.”

Switzerland has registered an increase in cyberattacks and disinformation in the run-up to a summit this weekend that aims to create a pathway for peace in Ukraine, the government said on Monday.

Swiss President Viola Amherd told a press conference cyber attacks had increased in recent weeks and was asked how her government was addressing personal attacks against her in Russian media that have been publicised in Switzerland.

"We haven't summoned the ambassador," she said. "That's how I wanted it, because the disinformation campaign is so extreme that one can see that little of it reflects reality."

Foreign Minister Ignazio Cassis said there was a clear "interest" in disrupting the talks, but avoided saying who was behind the attacks when asked if Russia was involved.

China has denied pressuring other countries not to attend the summit. 

The summit in Switzerland is due to discuss areas of broad international concern, such as the need for nuclear and food security, freedom of navigation as well as humanitarian issues, such as prisoners of war, Swiss Foreign Minister Ignazio Cassis said.

Turkey and India will participate, Swiss officials said, though it was not clear at what level. Whether Brazil and South Africa would take part remained unclear.

When asked who might succeed Switzerland in the next phase, Cassis said he could not give details, but noted efforts were underway for something "outside the western part of the world".

Doing so could boost inclusion of the "Global South and Arabian countries" in the process, he said.

Singapore will participate in the summit, with Senior Minister of State Sim Ann representing the country.


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